Our services

Breastfeeding initial home visit

Assessment and individual plan.

2 hours |  $170 + tax

Breastfeeding follow-up visit

1.5 hours |  $140 + tax

Breastfeeding video consultation

1.5 hours |  $120 + tax

Prenatal class on breastfeeding

Includes an individual breastfeeding plan.

2 x 1.5 hours |  2 x $80+ tax

Prenatal class on baby care and mom’s recovery

We create an individualized plan for baby care during the postpartum period, along with an individualized program for moms to support their best shape and well-being.

2 x 1.5 hours |  2 x $80+ tax

Prenatal class on labour and birth preparation

Individual preparation for all possible scenarios is included.

2 x 1.5 hours |  2 x $80+ tax

Baby Brain Growth program 0-12 months

Baby evaluation, individual developmental plan, teaching parents to work with the baby, and custom video instructions.

First session: 1.5 hours |  $160 + tax

Following sessions: 1 hour |  $120 + tax

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.